[Ronda de análisis] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Switch - Versión para impresión

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Switch - zothenr - 14-10-2019

Vandal - 8.5

Es muy difícil transmitir con palabras lo que supone jugar a The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt en una máquina portátil, ya que ni las imágenes ni los vídeos hacen justicia a lo que os encontraréis cuando lo juguéis en directo en vuestra Switch, pero lo que sí os podemos asegurar es que la experiencia nos ha dejado muy satisfechos y en ningún momento nos han llegado a molestar realmente los sacrificios que se han realizado en su apartado técnico. Eso sí, en sobremesa ya es otro cantar y si vuestra intención es disfrutarlo en un buen televisor, nuestra recomendación es que os lancéis a por cualquier otra versión, a menos que la híbrida de Nintendo sea vuestra única consola.

No vamos a engañaros, es todo un lujo poder disfrutar de una obra tan gigantesca como esta en cualquier lugar y eso ya nos parece motivo más que suficiente para justificar su compra, siempre y cuando no lo hayáis jugado previamente, pues su falta de novedades hace que sea un producto especialmente enfocado a los nuevos jugadores. Sin duda, todo un milagro técnico digno de admirar que demuestra, una vez más, que la actual consola de la Gran N tiene todavía mucho por ofrecer.

Vida Extra

The Witcher 3 tenía todo lo necesario para ser un imprescindible desde el momento en el que se confirmó que llegaría a la consola de Nintendo y, tras poner a prueba su jugabilidad y volver a quedarnos fascinados con su exquisito apartado artístico, queda patente que además es una cita obligada en Switch: incuestionablemente, estamos ante el máximo referente en cuestión de los RPGs y uno de los mejores mundos abiertos de los videojuegos.

Pero lo anterior no brillaría con tanta intensidad si no fuera por cómo se ha trabajado y dado vida al personaje de Geralt, se ha cuidado el modo de tratar y dar presencia a los protagonistas de cada uno de los tres arcos principales y el inusual mimo que han recibido incluso los secundarios.

Todos los personajes, por cierto, con cierta ambigüedad moral. Empezando por el propio Geralt. Pero, también, demostrando que CD Projekt RED no se ha limitado a poner los mejores ingredientes y ha cocinado con una técnica magistral, sino que ha imbuido alma al conjunto.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  Complete Edition para Nintendo Switch es  fantasía y magia, aventura en estado puro y un sueño hecho realidad para cualquier apasionado por los RPGs. Pero, sobre todo, ofreciendo una de esas experiencias capaces de calar con enorme fuerza en el jugador.

Un título con denominación de autor que, pese no lucir igual de bien que en el resto de sistemas, irradia belleza, carácter propio y epicidad desde la primera partida; imponiéndose, por méritos propios, como uno de los mejores juegos del catálogo de Switch. Y eso -teniendo en cuenta lo que ya hay- ya son palabras mayores

Hobby Consolas - 87

The Witcher 3 sigue siendo uno de los RPG mejor escritos de la generación, pero los fallos técnicos de esta versión empañan la genial aventura del Lobo Blanco. Con todo, tener el juego completo y las dos expansiones en una consola portátil es algo mágico.

Meristation - 8.5

The Witcher 3: Complete Edition llega a Nintendo Switch con la totalidad del contenido de The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: el juego principal más las expansiones Hearts of Stone y Blood And Wine. Un port cuya adaptación ha sufrido rebajas de resolución y nivel de detalle, en favor de un rendimiento que hará la experencia en portátil satisfactoria, aunque no tanto en dock. La adaptación de la jugabilidad es el aspecto más favorecido, que hará del manejo de Geralt de Rivia toda una delicia para quienes no lo disfrutaron en versiones anteriores y que ahora pueden disfrutar de toda la aventura al completo, que se dice pronto.

IGN.es - 7.5

Si has vivido en el planeta Nintendo en las últimas décadas, te has perdido joyas como esta. Eso no tiene excusa. Por suerte, en ese caso no vas a notar demasiado cuando pongas la consola en el dock y veas sus gráficos en la tele. En cuanto al resto, te recomendamos que pases bastante de este tema y que disfrutes de este gran juego, con todas sus misiones principales y secundarias, sus encargos, sus expansiones y sus pociones de brujo. Desenvaina tus espadas y disfruta, que aunque en un modo pequeñito y bastante más pobre de lo normal, lo que cuentan esos gráficos pobres y destexturizados, sigue mereciendo la pena.

Video Game Chronicle (5/5):
Cita:If you’ve been Nintendo-exclusive your whole life it’s an unmissable adventure. Not just for the meat of the game, but to rekindle your faith in the concept of ports. If you were raised on a diet of Wii and Wii U, you lived through some horror shows; games half featured, or watered down for a child audience. Thanks to the likes of Skyrim and Divinity: Original Sin 2, Switch is washing away that bad taste, and The Witcher 3 continues the tradition.

For seasoned Witchers, double dipping reveals an inferior version of the game, but one that shouldn’t really exist at all. And are you going to really say no to Gwent on the bus? This is a slick, smart port, delivering a version that works, and maintains enough magic to make it worth it. Like so much of the game itself, it’s all about difficult compromises. In a fantasy world where it’s very easy to make a mess, this is an elegantly diplomatic outcome.

 (liked-a-lot, video review)

PowerUp! (9.4/10):
Cita:There aren’t any new, useless features in The Witcher 3 on Switch, like motion controls, which is fine because the standard controls work flawlessly. Aside from the visuals, you can’t tell the difference between playing this and other versions.

The framerate is rock solid, bugs are minimal/nonexistent and, honestly, I might even prefer the handheld version. I think every game should be on Switch because playing on the go is the best.

Now that The Witcher 3 is on Switch, there’s no reason that every other game in existence isn’t. I love The Witcher 3 and on Switch, I love it even more.

Metro GameCentral (9/10):
Cita:Of course, the other consoles and PC offer a far better representation of the same game but if they aren’t an option for you, or the portability is a priority, then The Witcher 3 on Switch is a must-have and a sign not only of Nintendo’s increasing third person muscle but the fact that good game design always shines through, despite minor technical issues.

Nintendo Life (9/10):
Cita:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt remains a masterpiece, and being able to take such a grand and engrossing adventure on the go is something well worth celebrating. The Switch's Complete Edition is a truly impressive achievement, and although performance isn't perfect, it's still an incredible and impactful role-playing experience. The Witcher 3 set the bar for modern RPGs back in 2015, and this port is a startling reminder that it has yet to be bettered.

The Digital Fix (9/10):
Cita:Its amazing what has been done with this portable Witcher 3 port. Yes the graphics are downgraded, yes it does not look as good as other versions but it is a well running portable version of a great RPG. You get a lot of game for your money and it is well worth your time and effort.

Nintendo Insider (9/10):
Cita:Without a doubt, the best way to experience The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition is on a much more powerful system with a top of the range television to match. After all, the game can be found for a much cheaper price on other consoles due to its age. However, that kind of luxury isn’t always practical, and what CD Projekt Red and Saber Interactive have done to make the Nintendo Switch version possible is a stunning achievement in its own right. The premium price tag that marks the game will never feel like it isn’t value for money. That is, assuming the genre is of taste to the player plunging in on the purchase.

God is a Geek (9/10, ):
Cita:Regardless, if you’ve never played this brilliant game before, I’d still recommend experiencing it on Xbox One X or PC for the highest visual fidelity, but if you’re planning to get up close and personal with Geralt, Triss, and Yennifer, then handheld is the way to go. Modern life takes away so much of our time and Nintendo’s Switch has given us some back in the evening. As the cold nights draw in and we close the curtains on the rain outside, I can’t think of a better thing to do than spend some time with The Witcher 3. It’s not as good looking, but it’s still a glorious game.

GamingBolt (9/10, ):
Cita:Is The Witcher 3’s Switch version the ideal way to play the game? No, not really- not by a long shot. If you have access to a PS4 or an Xbox One or a PC that can run the game, I definitely would not recommend the Switch version of the game, unless portability is a factor for you. Then again, if portability is a factor for you, or if you don’t have access to those systems, or if you’ve played this game before and have a hankering to play through it again? Go right ahead and buy The Witcher 3 on the Switch, without any hesitations. It’s the full experience, and sure, it has noticeable graphical cutbacks, but it’s one of the greatest games of all time on a portable system, and it runs well- that in and of itself should be enough to sell you on it.

GamePressure (8.5/10):
Cita:The most glorious advantage of this game is, of course, part of the compromise – in exchange for an uglier Witcher, you're able to take him to school, work, or on a longer journey. I haven't played the game yet in public transportation, being cautious with the embargo, but I suspect kids will soon have a new way to be fancy. But we've fought with Geralt in my bed, talked to people while sipping morning coffee, or played Gwent in the Sun, on my balcony. It's nice to take your hobbies wherever you want, and Nintendo's console gives you exactly that opportunity with the port of the Witcher 3. And for that, the game deserves a lot of credit.

Gaming Trend (85/100):
Cita:One of this generation’s titans finally makes its landmark debut on the Nintendo Switch. For newcomers who can fight through the rocky 30 frames per second and lower resolutions, The Witcher 3 on Switch is a no-brainer. But, for those with no plans to take their monster-killing outside, the game is better enjoyed on other consoles.

Cerealkillerz (8/10, review in german):
Cita:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition on the Nintendo Switch has become a remarkable technical feat thanks to its stable frame rate and huge amount of content. Only the non-constant resolution of 720p and some reduced graphic elements reduce the viewing experience, especially in TV mode. Who can live with it and wants to play the title exclusively on the way, can access here without hesitation.

MSPoweruser (8/10):
Cita:With all that said, there’s no denying that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on Nintendo Switch should be considered a resounding achievement. While far from the definitive version, what’s here is very much the complete experience, DLC and all. It’s easy to see how players would prefer the convenience of undertaking Geralt’s journey on the go, either from the very beginning or as someone who missed out on Hearts of Stone or Blood and Wine and are craving a way to jump in right away. Switcher 3 is the ultimate fantasy RPG and the ultimate in convenience.

IGN (8/10):
Cita:The Switch port of The Witcher 3: Complete Edition certainly isn’t how I’d recommend you experience CD Projekt Red’s epic fantasy masterpiece for the first time, but it’s serviceable if you’re unable to play on PC or a more powerful console — or prefer to do your monster hunting away from a TV. On a full-size screen, however, it suffers to the point where it looks more reminiscent of the 360 generation than the current one.

Nintendad (4/5):
Cita:The graphics in The Witcher 3 have clearly been scaled back to perform within the confines of the Nintendo Switch. Aside from that, the full Witcher experience is impressive. Newcomers to the series have a perfect opportunity to jump in and see what amazing world awaits them. Fans who already own the game will have to decide if it’s worth picking up for the portability offered by the Switch. Fortunately with hundreds of hours of gameplay and all the DLC, CD PROJEKT RED gives an enticing reason to double dip.

Gameblog.fr (7/10, review in french):
Cita:For fear of losing a few tenths, and especially not to see Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri and the others in an unflattering light, it will be better to indulge in The Witcher III: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition in portable mode. That's good, that's all we asked.

GamesRadar (3.5/5):
Cita:A well-functioning port of a brilliant game with an unexpected identity crisis. Given the availability of other platforms, the visual compromise makes this technical marvel a difficult sell to first-timers and veterans.

HuffPost India (no score):
Cita:The Witcher 3 on the Nintendo Switch not the best of the game (that’s reserved for the PC version) but it’s good enough. Even more so when you look at the state in which most big budget multiplatform games launch on the Switch. They either lack features like FIFA 20 or are abysmal to play like WWE 2K18. If you own a Nintendo Switch and want to get your fix of The Witcher 3 on the go. There’s a host of compromises, but they’re the right ones.

Ars Technica (no score):
Cita:I don't mean to say Witcher 3 is unplayable or ruined by the effort spent getting it into Switch-compatible shape. However, completely new players should be warned that CDPR's cinematic vision for the game is compromised just enough to take this port out of my running for a clear-cut recommendation. If you've already played Witcher 3 and want an excuse to burn through it anew on the go, complete with convenient "fast forward to the expansions" shortcuts, then yes, this port is a great reason to return to Nilfgaard. If you don't have any other consoles or a decent gaming PC, then "Switcher 3" is absolutely playable. (Plus, in my personal opinion, it's better than Switch's Skyrim as an on-the-go RPG, even with low resolutions and other visual compromises.)

But if you do have another hardware option and aren't necessarily itching for a purely portable RPG, take a breath and look at other systems' heavily discounted versions before making this your very first way to play the game.

RE: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Switch - DalaiRasta - 14-10-2019

Parece que todos coinciden: únicamente quien necesite la portabilidad o no tenga otro sistema, que se lo pille en Switch, que lo disfrutará igualmente.

... pero esto puede aplicarse a cualquier juego multiplataforma, no sólo a este  XD

Un saludete

RE: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition - Switch - Rosstheboss - 14-10-2019

Pues esperaba que quedase peor. Viendo que cumple con los mínimos y funciona bien, bien por CD-Project, una vez más.