Detalles Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - Versión para impresión

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Detalles Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - mike - 11-12-2011

Cita:You can find all of the information below.

- Raiden was once feared as the child soldier ÔÇ£Jack the RipperÔÇØ on the front lines of the First Liberian Civil War
- His combat mastery is now channeled through a cyborg body as the strikes from his high-frequency blade slice even massive assault drones in two
- Raiden is contracted for VIP protection, military training and other duties by PMSCs (Private Military and Security Companies) in a developing country piecing itself back together after a bloody civil war
- Stage is set for a clash with an enigmatic force of countless cyborgs
- Game pits cyborg against cyborg
- Rising was intended to be a spin-off featuring the actions/transformation of Raiden
- After Platinum Games came on board, the story changed to take place several years after Metal Gear Solid 4
- This would give the staff more of an opportunity to show what they can bring to the series
- Cyborgs are spreading at a rapid pace in the gameÔÇÖs world
- The original aim for a combination of stealth and action has also been enhanced, for a more aggressive new focus on pure, exhilarating action
A Solid Collaboration Breeds a ÔÇ£SolidlessÔÇØ METAL GEAR
- Kojima Productions overseeing the gameÔÇÖs story and world
- They are also providing visual direction to ensure that it retains the characteristic look of the Metal Gear series
- the blood of the series still flows within this new METAL GEAR.

Fuente: gamingeverything

Cita:Aporto una traducción mucho más inteligible.

Cita:- Raiden era temido como el niño soldado "Jack El Destripador" en la líneas del frente de la Primera Guerra Civil de Libia.
- Su maestría en combate está ahora canalizada a través de un cuerpo cibernético y los mandobles de su espada de alta frecuencia pueden cortar incluso drones de asalto masivos en dos.
-Raiden es contratado para protección de VIPs, entrenamiento militar y otros deberes del PMSC (Private Military and Security Companies) en un país en recuperación tras una sangrienta guerra civil.
- Todo está preparado para combatir contra una enigmática fuerza de incontables ciborgs.
- El juego se basa en ciborgs contra ciborgs
- Rising pretendía ser un spin-off incluyendo las acciones/transformación de Raiden
- Con Platinum Games a bordo, la historia cambia para tomar lugar muchos años después de "Metal Gear Solid 4"
- Esto puede dar al staff una oportunidad de mostrar lo que pueden aportar a la serie.
- Los cyborgs se están extendiendo a gran velocidad en el mundo del juego.
- El objetivo original combinando infiltración y acción ha sido mejorado para un nuevo enfoque más agresivo en pura y estimulante acción.
Una "sólida" colaboración trae un METAL GEAR menos sólido.
- Kojima Productions supervisará la trama del juego y su mundo.
- También proveerán una dirección visual para asegurar que mantiene el look característico de la serie "Metal Gear"
- "...la sangre de la serie aún fluye en el interior de este nuevo METAL GEAR."
- the blood of the series still flows within this new METAL GEAR.

Mas info por mekemeke:

Cita:ÔÇó Korekado (the new project manager, you remember him from the "fight" he had with Kojima in the MGS4 making off video) implicitly says that the project failed because of the previous director, he didn't have a clear vision for the game design. And they did the mistake of starting working on the story, mocap, etc... just based on the "cut anything" gimmick. They tried to add gameplay elements, but it always felt not enough to make a game. They made multiple prototypes, but it never really worked.
ÔÇó The project was once cancelled (? ?? in Japanese?), and then Kojima invited Platinum to Kojima Prod, and asked Korekado to make a presentation in front of Minami and Inaba
ÔÇó They gave the previous plot to Platinum, but Platinum ended up asking to write it all again from scratch. Therefore, it went from between MGS 2 and 4, to after MGS4. Writing the script took 2 months (instead of 10 months with the previous failed project).

ÔÇó They will an interview from Kojima and Inaba posted online on Wednesday (Iwata asks??) to give more details.
ÔÇó They were playing a demo of the game during the podcast, and they said Platinum added a gameplay element. Since you can cut anything, thy added something that would allow you to enjoy the "taste" of that freedom (??? Drink or eat the enemies???)
ÔÇó Enemies are cyborgs, and that red liquid is not blood but some kind of cyborg oil

El director de Metal gear solid Rising no sabia como cojones hacer el juego y Kojima decidio cancelarlo ,Luego Kojima contacto con Platinum games para ver si ellos sabrian dar un enfoque al juego asi nacio Metal gear rising Revengance

El miercoles se publica una entrevista a Kojima y Inaba donde hablaran del juego

Arte conceptual:

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[Imagen: wGmF0.jpg]
[Imagen: fPSZA.jpg]
[Imagen: Ty4Sy.jpg]

Re: Detalles Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - xugaox - 11-12-2011

No va a ir en la línea de los otros Metal Gear Solid (de hecho este se llama Metal Gear Rising), pero tiene una pinta muy buena.

A ver si hay suerte y en la versión de PS3 lo adaptan a Move. Hacer cortes 1:1 tiene que ser impresionante